Friday 22 November 2013

#4x4 ATV,feel the ride..


#ATV-Quad 4x4 powersport

#Owners pride 9years old ATV superb condition..

 +#BeASport ,#Atv bike,#Best rigid and tough, #150cc,

Hey !  Our age is same....# 9years...



#500cc_4x4_ATV by #ATV_India_Powersport_9930059599.

#500cc_4x4_ATV by #ATV_India_Powersport_9930059599.
Do visit us on,
  • Informative page on ATV maintenance
  • Importance of ATV for farms
  • Users all over India
  • How good it is for resorts and hotel owners.
  • Contact for further information on

Monday 4 November 2013

# Why ATV becoming popular in India..!

  • Extreme flexibility. ATVs are used for a variety of unique situations and jobs.
  • Easy to use. Like motorcycles, ATVs allow riders access to areas standard vehicles can't get to, or shouldn't. But unlike motorcycles, ATVs are easy to operate. Our automatic models do away with complicated gear shifting. This means they are easily accessible for people of all ages and disabilities. It also means you can spend more time on riding and enjoying yourself, and less time managing the vehicle.

  • For People of All Ages and Sizes. A wide range of sizes to accommodate a variety of users - young and old, small and tall.
  • Older people are using ATVs to rediscover areas of the outdoors that had become inaccessible to the.
  • Efficient and Cost-effective.
  • As utility vehicles, ATVs have proven they are more efficient and cost-effective than their larger and more expensive counterparts. With access to a wide array of attachments,
  • ATVs can be used to haul, spread and a variety of other applicable activities.Resort owners in their premises, small track for visitors in hotel, Amusement parks,land owners,builders and promoters.
  • They're Fun! 70% of ATV riders use them for family recreation activity. It's a great way to get the family together, out in the country air, and active.
  • Many people ride as a family recreation activityin their home land,farms and farm houses for patrolling.

Why ATV-Quad popular !
Why ATV-Quad popular !

#Brake pads : How to change brake pads on bike !

How To Change Brake Pads On Your Bike..!
Brake pads are a component of disk brakes used in automotive and other applications.
Brake pads are steel backing plates with friction material bound to the surface that faces the disk brake rotor. 

If they're looking thinner than Wacko Jacko after a detox... it's time to change 'em. This is generally when you're down to 30% of the pads life.

This should be a straight forward task that can definitely be done at home swinging a couple of basic tools.

Remove the brake pin plug. This is a small screw-plug that protects the brake pin from filling up with mud and gunk. Then, using a tight-fitting allen key, unscrew the brake pin and encourage the pads to drop out.

While you have the brake system exposed, it pays to clean all the compacted dirt and crap out of there. Not doing this can effect your braking performance. Once clean, apply heat-resistant lube or grease to the two brake caliper pins.
Gently push back the two pistons using a screwdriver and fit the new pads. Allow enough room for the unit to fit back over the disc.
Clean and lube the brake pin and reinsert.
Screw in the brake pin plug, then reattach the entire unit to the fork.


Good brakes are essential for competitive ATV use. So, if your ATV's brake pads are old and worn, don't think twice about replacing them. New brake pads come cheaply and can be installed by those without much mechanical knowledge.
Step 1
Remove the front tires on the ATV.
Do this by undoing the mounting nuts on the rim of the tires, then sliding the tires out.
Step 2

Loosen and open the brake manifolds. An easy way to do this is by using a large flathead screwdriver and prying the metal apart.
Step 3

Unscrew the brake pad mounting bolts and remove the old brake pads. Do this carefully, trying not to harm or bend the manifolds.
Step 4

Mount new brake pads securely on the manifolds and bolt them in. Make sure that they are mounted squarely with the corners of the pad holders, otherwise they may catch undesirably.
Step 5

Remove the rear plastics on the ATV so that the rear brake disc may be easily accessed. This is usually done by removing the seat and a few plastic mounting screws.
Step 6

Remove and replace the rear brake pads, just the same way that you did the front pads. However, in this case, when replacing the pads, make sure that they line up correctly with the brake disc for the best friction.
Step 7

Replace the front tires on the ATV.


Your #off roader_ATV will provide you with many years of service and pleasure, providing
you take responsibility for your own safety and understand the challenges you may
meet while driving.

#Protect yourself while operating your off roader . You'll
find many helpful recommendations throughout this manual. The following are a
few that we consider most important.

Follow the Age Recommendation Experienced adult supervision should be present for all inexperienced operators.

#Always Wear a Helmet
It's a proven fact: wearing helmets significantly reduces the number and severity of head
injuries. Always wear an approved motorcycle helmet. We also recommend that you
wear eye protection, sturdy boots, gloves, and other protective gear.

#Drive Off-Road Only
Your off roader is designed and manufactured for off-road use only. Its tires are not
made for pavement, and the kart does not have features required for use on public roads.
If you need to cross a paved or public road, shut the machines power off, get off and walk your off roader across.

#Take Time to Learn & Practice
Even if you have driven other karts, take time to become familiar with how this
kart works and handles. Practice in a safe area until you build your skills and get
accustomed to this kart's size and weight.
Because many accidents involve inexperienced or untrained drivers, we urge all drivers
to take a training course approved by the Go-Kart Safety Institute. Check with your dealer
for more information on training courses.

#Be Alert for Off-Road Hazards
The terrain can present a variety of challenges when you drive off-road. Continually
"read" the terrain for unexpected turns, drop-offs, rocks, ruts, and other hazards. Always
keep your speed low enough to allow time to see and react to hazards.

#Drive within Your Limits
Pushing limits is another major cause of kart accidents. Never drive beyond your
personal abilities or faster than conditions warrant. Remember that alcohol, drugs, fatigue,and inattention can significantly reduce your ability to make good judgments and drive safely.

#Alcohol, Drugs, and Driving
Alcohol, drugs and driving don't mix. Even one drink can reduce your ability to respond to
changing conditions, and your reaction time gets worse with every additional drink. So
don't drink and drive, and don't let your friends drink and drive either. Do not operate
this kart if you are taking any prescriptions.

#Do Not Operate this off roader at Night
Lower visibility at night can greatly reduce a driver’s judgment. Driving at night is
dangerous and will increase the possibility of an accident.

#Never Run Your Kart Indoors
The exhaust from the engine contains carbon monoxide, a poisonous gas which is tasteless
& odorless. Carbon monoxide kills.

#Keep Away from Moving Parts of the Kart
Never place your hands or any other body part near any moving part of the kart. Failure
to adhere to this warning may cause physical harm to your body.

#Skidding or Sliding
The terrain’s surface can be a major factor affecting turns. Skidding in a turn is more likely to occur on slippery surfaces such as snow, ice, mud, and loose gravel. If you skid on ice, you may lose all directional control. To avoid skidding on slippery terrain, keep your speed low and drive carefully.
The terrain can present a variety of challenges when you drive off-road. Continually
"read" the terrain for unexpected turns, drop-offs, rocks, ruts, and other hazards. Always
keep your speed low enough to allow time to see and react to hazards.