Friday 17 January 2014

ATV simple and easy track for Hoteliers,resort owners by Powersport

 ATV track is a wonderful idea for ;
Private property owners, Hoteliers and commercial operators.

If you have a public track in your area, go talk to the owner to make a deal.
  Ask them if they had to amend the soil, any problems they have with the particular ground in your area. Some soils are so difficult to work with, you will need to amend them.
Make sure you have irrigation planned for and easy to work with. A dusty track is no fun.

You can check out designs by watching races on tv, but keep in mind that those tracks are set up to challenge the best riders - not to keep beginning and intermediate riders happy and healthy.

Start small. Work in a large oval, make bermed corners by digging down, not building up. Use the dirt from the dug-out corners to build one whoop section on a straightaway, and one jump on the other straightaway.

Make jumps tabletops rather than doubles or triples. This way if someone comes up short, they wont plow into the face of the next jump. ( Not recommanded for entry level riders)

By leaving the original oval integrated into the track, you have a 'beginner' loop always ready for anyone to ride.

For safety, if you plan on having more than a couple people on the track at one time, be sure you have plenty of run-out room between your track sections (don't have one whoop section going north - directly next to a jump headed south). Use old tires as barriers between close and/or problem sections.

If you do have any friends over to ride, have your parents make a written set of 'track rules' anyone who is not family will have to read and sign the rules. This won't keep anyone from suing your parents if something goes wrong, but it will help keep arguments and problems to a minimum.

For more info.. do visit us on,

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